9e3039a1f5 scaleNow you can watch HD videos directly from different webpages easily just installing this plugin on your computer because it is ready to be used directlyFlash Player (IE) 14 August, 2011(6 years ago) 2.98 MB Flash Player 10 30 September, 2008(9 years ago) 188.4 MB Adobe Flash Player (Non-IE) 11 November, 2011(5 years ago) 2.95 MB Windows XP, XP x64, Vista and 3 more Adobe Flash Player 24 September, 2014(3 years ago) 17.07 MB Windows XP, XP x64, Vista and 5 more View full description PROS Rich interface Essential for viewing videos, games and animations CONS Occasional stability problems Use of processor Free Download Safe download 7 2101 votes Rate it! License Free OS Windows XP You'll also need: Minimum Recommended Processor 2,33 GHz - Memory 128 MB - Others Adobe Flash Player (for IE) is also compatible with: Windows 2003 Windows Vista Windows 7 Windows 8 Downloads 6M Total downloads 6M Last month's downloads 15K Language English Available languages English Spanish German French Arabic Argentinean Catalan Chinese Simp Chinese Trad Czech Danish Dutch Euskera Finnish Gallego Greek Hindi Italian Japanese Korean Norwegian Polish Portuguese (BR) Russian Swedish Turkish Version Size 1.06 MB Developer Adobe More Programs (132) User rating 7 / 10 ( 2101 votes ) Alternative apps Report software Softonic review By Vincent Sarrazin Very good 8 Adobe Flash Player is an essential plug-in for your browser that lets youview everything from videos, to games, toanimations on the webFlash Player 2 30 November, 1996(20 years ago) 618.38 KB Windows 95, 98, NT and 4 more
Flash Player (Non-IE Browsers) 24 August, 2011(6 years ago) 732.84 KB Windows XP, Vista, 7 Adobe Flash Player desktop beta drives innovation for rich, engaging digital experiences with new features for cross-platform browser-based viewing of expressive rich internet applications, content, and videos across devicesFlash Player (Non-IE Browsers) 14 August, 2011(6 years ago) 2.95 MB Then came the download for Flash Player1reviewed on April 5, 2017 by Vasilissa "by now" I think that this is a very useful program for those who like 3D gamesThe number 1 plugin for your browser Adobe Flash Player isessential if you want to be able to access a lot ofcontentwhen browsing the internetI would recommend it as a must have on personal computers
Latwanee replied
400 weeks ago